Follow these instructions to download your approved books to your Kobo eReader:
- Download Adobe Digital Editions free here (DRM-protected files must be opened and authorized through Adobe Digital Editions first.)
- Authorize your Adobe Digital Editions by going to Help on the toolbar, and click Help and Authorize Computer. Then authorize it with your Adobe ID. (You can create a new one or use an existing one.)
Please note: When asked for your Adobe ID please ignore the drop-down list of companies, just use your Adobe ID to authorize. - Once Adobe Digital Editions has been downloaded and authorized, go to the book(s) in your NetGalley account, and click the Download button to download your approved book(s) to your computer.
- Then connect your Kobo eReader to your computer using a USB, launch Adobe Digital Editions (if it's not already open) and you should see your device listed on the left-hand side of your Library.
- Then simply drag and drop the book you want to read to where your device is listed and it should then appear on your Kobo (click here for more detail.)