How do I download digital review copies to my Kobo eReader?

Follow these instructions to download your approved books to your Kobo eReader:

  1. Download Adobe Digital Editions free here (DRM-protected files must be opened and authorized through Adobe Digital Editions first.)

  2. Authorize your Adobe Digital Editions by going to Help on the toolbar, and click Help and Authorize Computer. Then authorize it with your Adobe ID. (You can create a new one or use an existing one.)
    Please note: When asked for your Adobe ID please ignore the drop-down list of companies, just use your Adobe ID to authorize.

  3. Once Adobe Digital Editions has been downloaded and authorized, go to the book(s) in your NetGalley account, and click the Download button to download your approved book(s) to your computer.

  4. Then connect your Kobo eReader to your computer using a USB, launch Adobe Digital Editions (if it's not already open) and you should see your device listed on the left-hand side of your Library.
  5. Then simply drag and drop the book you want to read to where your device is listed and it should then appear on your Kobo (click here for more detail.)
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