What can I find on my Shelf?

Your Shelf is a section that you can use as a “to-do” list of all the books and audiobooks you’re reading or are planning to review. Your Shelf will automatically display books you've been approved to read, let you leave feedback, and allow you to review past Feedback.


Your Shelf is separated into 4 different sections where your books will automatically filter depending on the action you take. Below is how each section works and which books you will find there. Please note that the columns in each section can be sorted by clicking on the column title.

Start Reading -- Books & Audiobooks you are approved for (including invites, auto-approvals, Read Now, Listen Now, & Wishes granted). You can view, sort, and download your books and audiobooks in this section. 

Give Feedback -- Books & Audiobooks you have downloaded (this includes downloads within the NetGalley Shelf app) will move to this section to help you keep track of all the books you’re currently reading or listening to. You can view, sort, and leave feedback for your books and audiobooks in this section.

Feedback Sent -- Books & Audiobooks you have submitted Feedback for (opinions, reviews, and sharing to social networks and retail sites) will move here.

Not Active -- Books & Audiobooks that are not currently accessible: pending & declined requests, books that were archived before it was downloaded, and any books you submitted as Will Not Give Feedback. You can read more about the Not Active section here.

exclamation-triangle-solid.svg Pro tip: If you use the NetGalley Shelf app, as long as the publisher has enabled the app as a Reading Option for their books, those will automatically appear in approved members’ NetGalley Shelf app. So this means once you’re approved for a book, you won’t need to press the Download button on the NetGalley website!


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