I'm a Librarian - What do you recommend for my Profile?


If you are a librarian or work in a library, here are a few tips for your Profile:

Essential Information:

  • Use the dropdown to indicate the type of Library where you work (Academic, Public, Primary or elementary school, Secondary school/high school, or Special).
  • The name of your library, including the branch/location.
  • In your bio, include your role at the library and your responsibilities.
  • Your library or library system website.
  • If you post reviews on your website or blog, indicate which is the primary place you recommend books in your Bio. Then, add any other links where your reviews appear or are promoted (such as websites, other blogs, etc.)
  •  Be sure to connect your social accounts, too!*

*Please note that your social profile must be public if you plan to share your review links with publishers! 

Reading Preferences:

  • Topics - For example, if you listen to Audiobooks and/or are in a Book Club.
  • Add the Categories that interest you the most - you'll receive special recommendations on your dashboard and via email based on your interests.

Additional Information:

  • Professional Associations you are a member of, that are relevant to your use of NetGalley, can all be listed in your Bio.
  • Your professional email address, not a personal email.
  • By default, public reviews on the NetGalley site will be displayed with your profile photo, first name, last initial, and member type. If you prefer, you can choose to display an auto-generated alias next to your reviews instead. Read more here


If you are an American Library Association (ALA) member, please add your ALA member number.

If you have a valid number with the ALA, we'll add a special designation to your member account, which publishers will see when you request their books.

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