How do I download digital review copies to my Kobo Arc tablet?

You can download your books and audiobooks to your Kobo ARC tablet using the NetGalley Shelf app. Click here for full instructions.

Follow these instructions to manually download your approved books to your Kobo Arc tablet -

  1. If you do not have a valid Adobe ID, please register for a free Adobe ID here.
  2. Go to the PlayStore on your Kobo Arc 7 and search for Aldiko Reader app (a free reader app)
  3. Press download
  4. You will now be given a short demonstration of the app. Once it is finished, click the top left-hand corner of the screen and then click ABOUT from the dropdown menu (it is the last option)
  5. Click ADOBE DRM and then enter your Adobe ID and password. You are now set up to download digital review copies to your Kobo Arc 7.

To download a book from NetGalley:

  1. Sign into your NetGalley account using your Kobo Arc.
  2. Locate the book you wish to download and press the DOWNLOAD button, which will indicate which file type is available (PDF or EPUB).
  3. You will now be informed that the book is downloading and you will see a downward arrow icon in the top left of the screen.
  4. Pull down from the top of the screen to view the downloads progress. Once it is done, click DOWNLOAD COMPLETE and the file will now open.
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