Can I use the Kindle app on my iPad, iPhone, or Android device?

Yes, you can use the Kindle app on most reading devices, and here's how:

  1. The Kindle app for devices has its own Kindle email address. If you update your Kindle app to version 2.9 or greater, you should be able to find your email address the next time you open the app. You can also find this email address by going to Settings.

  2. Sign into, and click on Profile in the main menu bar at the top of the screen. In the Devices section, click "EDIT" under "Send to Kindle," enter your address in the Kindle Email field. Click Save.

  3.  In your Amazon account, go to MANAGE YOUR CONTENT AND DEVICES page, then click on the Preferences tab, and scroll down to “Approved Personal Document Email List”. Click "Add a new approved e-mail address," enter and click Add Address.Kindle_approvedemail.jpg 
  4. Find the book you want to read on your Kindle. In your NetGalley account, go to the Start Reading section of your Shelf to see a list of all the books you’ve been approved to access and easily view the available download options for that book. If you see the Send to Kindle button, press it once.

    There could be a brief delay, but the book should appear in your Kindle app under Docs - if you do not see the book within an hour try syncing your app and clicking the Send to Kindle button once more. If this doesn't work contact support with the book title, ISBN, and error messages, and exactly what the problem is.  
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