How do I know if I authorized my Adobe Digital Editions?

To confirm whether your version of Adobe Digital Editions has been authorized, open the program, go to Help on the toolbar, and if you've already set up your Adobe account, Authorize Computer will be greyed out. If it is not greyed out, then click "Authorize Computer" to authorize the program.

authorization.jpg      mac.png

Helpful tips:

  • To check your Adobe username (it will be an e-mail address), open Adobe Digital Editions, go to Help on the toolbar, and click Authorization Information.
  • To check your password you will have to click here, then at the top click Sign In and then retrieve it using your Adobe ID/email address.
  • To de-authorize Adobe Digital Editions, open the program and go to Help and click Erase Authorization (or hold down Control-Shift-D.) You will then be prompted to de-authorize the program, then follow the steps above to re-authorize it.
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