What are the benefits of listing my book(s) on NetGalley?

NetGalley is a cost-effective way to reach a growing community of book advocates (reviewers, book trade professionals, librarians, booksellers, educators, journalists, and members of the media) who can read, review and recommend your book(s). In addition to the organic exposure your book will receive from being on the site, we also offer a variety of marketing programs to reach our members.

We offer many ways to interact with our member community:

  1. Use our email invite widget to invite your own contacts to view your book. The widget provides a direct, pre-approved link to view your book(s) on NetGalley, in a variety of secure reading options. The widget is the primary tool publishers and authors are using to put their digital review copies in the hands of influencers and recommenders.
  2. Books listed under "Find Titles" on www.netgalley.com are available for NetGalley members to request or read, depending on your settings. You have full control over all approvals/declines for any requests, and can view a profile for each member requesting a book.
  3. Members who are approved for your content can provide Feedback about your book through NetGalley. This can include star ratings, a review, and information about how the member will recommend or promote the book.
  4. Subscription clients also receive a Publisher Profile page which houses all of your books, including those previously on NetGalley and now for sale. Members can also “add you as a favorite” to aid in their browsing. 

Before a NetGalley member can request a digital review copy, they must first fill out a Profile about themselves—their organization, contact information, category preferences, and a brief Bio. You will be able to view this Profile information before their request is approved. In addition to the information the member provides, NetGalley also adds “member stats,” similar to those found on the member's Dashboard, which aid in the approval/decline process. Keep in mind that if you take advantage of the DRM-security settings we offer for the file itself, NetGalley members cannot share, copy or distribute your content.

Digital review copies can be read on all major reading devices, and are protected files that cannot be shared. Audiobooks listed on NetGalley are exclusively available to stream or download in the NetGalley Shelf app.

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