General tips for writing reviews

2021-12-09_15-16-48.jpgYour reviews and feedback are essential to publishers, authors, and other readers!

NetGalley members are expected to provide feedback for the books and audiobooks they access, in exchange for receiving free digital review copies. When you finish a book, make sure to submit your reviews, star ratings, opinions, and industry list nominations.

To help you craft the best reviews possible, we’ve put together the NetGalley Review Guidelines and have shared these helpful tips on how to write a book review.

We also recommend our Book Advocate Toolkit, designed to have everything you need to succeed -- as well as our Social Media Handbook, packed with advice you can immediately implement into your social channels!

You can also start by answering these questions:

  • What makes this book different from all others? And why should fellow readers care?
  • Provide enough information about the plot of a novel or the facts in a nonfiction book that readers have some context for your opinions. Avoid providing so much information that your post resembles a book report instead of a concise review. 
  • No spoilers! Be fair to your fellow readers, please. Read our Spoilers policy.
  • Whenever possible, put the positive things about a book up front.
  • Be critical of the book, not the author, if you don’t like what you’ve read. Explain why. (Click here for more tips for writing a critical book review.)

2021-12-09_15-59-13.jpgReviewing an audiobook? Click here for our tips for writing about the specific elements that only audiobooks have, and use these in combination with our general advice above for discussing plot, characters, and more.

For more tips head over to the We Are Bookish blog and check out these articles.

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