How do I use Thorium Reader to read digital review copies on my computer?

Download the Free Thorium Reader app here (available for Windows 10 & 11, MacOS, and Linux).   

Once you have installed Thorium Reader on your computer:

  1. Go to your approved book in your NetGalley account and click the Download button 


  1. Open the Thorium Reader app on your computer
  2. Click on “+ Import publication” in the Thorium Reader app


  3. Locate the .lcpl file you downloaded in step 1 (files typically download to your “downloads” folder)
  4. Click on the .lcpl file to open it
  5. The first time you open a file in an LCP-supported device or app, you will be asked for your passphrase. Your passphrase is your NetGalley login/username

Forgot your login/username? Request a reminder here

  1. Once you enter your passphrase correctly, the full file will download and open


Additional Thorium Reader Resources:

Thorium Reader online documentation

Thorium Reader support

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