The OwnVoices Category is used to indicate "books where the protagonist and the author share a marginalized identity" per the definition from the author, Corinne Duyvis, who coined the term OwnVoices in 2015.
We feel it is important to acknowledge that OwnVoices books as a collective have been historically underrepresented and under-promoted. NetGalley is committed to raising awareness for books from diverse and historically marginalized voices.
OwnVoices reviewers tend to be the best promoters of works that represent them and their communities, both in terms of review quality and content reach. They are trusted by their communities (and beyond) to review with sincerity and care. If NetGalley members wish to share that they identify personally as an OwnVoices reviewer, we suggest including that in the Bio section of your Profile.
NetGalley members can also subscribe to the OwnVoices Category as one that you're interested in hearing about and reviewing. Read more here.
In addition to the OwnVoices Category, we also have a Multicultural Interest Category, which is meant for books that incorporate ideas, beliefs or people from many different countries and cultural backgrounds. "Multiculturalism is the view that cultures, races, and ethnicities, particularly those of minority groups, deserve special acknowledgment of their differences within a dominant political culture." This Category doesn't specifically relate to the book's author.