My Books section


Are you on an iOS or Android device?


My Books contains all of the books and audiobooks you have downloaded within the app. You can use the filter on the top-left to further customize how you view and sort your books: 



Change the Pagination and Reading Direction in a PDF

While PDFs are paginated by default, if you prefer to scroll up and down through your PDFs, instead of turning left to right, you can always change this by clicking on the gear icon in the upper right, where you'll then see the "Scroll mode" setting, which can be toggled off.

If you’re using an iOS device you can also change the reading direction of any PDF. For example,  if you’re a Manga reader you can easily switch to right-to-left scrolling. 

To do so, while viewing the book in your NetGalley Shelf app, click on the gear icon in the upper right to view your settings and then select Direction to make changes. 

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How to Delete a Book or Audiobook

  1. From Home, Recently read, or My Books, just tap and hold the cover image of the book you wish to delete. 
  2. Choose Delete from the menu that appears. 

If you wish to redownload a book or audiobook that you deleted, just find it in the Your NetGalley Shelf section of the app and tap the Download button again. If the book no longer appears in Your NetGalley Shelf, then the book has likely been Archived by the publisher in NetGalley.


How to Renew a Book


Many publishers enable an expiring license for their books on NetGalley. You will see a number of days remaining on your license in a gray box at the bottom of the cover image thumbnail. Most licenses last for 55 days, and can be renewed at any time before the book is archived in NetGalley. 

To renew a book's license with the iOS app: 

  1. From Home, Recently read, or My Books, just tap and hold the cover image of the book.
  2. Choose Renew from the menu that appears.
  3. The book's license will renew up to 55 days.


How to Submit Feedback and Reviews

Once you are done reading or listening to your book, make sure to return to the NetGalley website to submit your Review and Feedback. Open a browser window on your device or computer, and sign into your NetGalley account. Then locate the book on your Shelf (or by using the Search) and tap the Feedback button. 

Please note: If you delete the app from your device and then reinstall, any books or audiobooks that you have not yet downloaded, but have since been archived, will no longer appear on your device.


"Read aloud" Feature!

To use this text-to-speech feature, download any EPUB book to your device and after opening it, tap on the screen and then click on the 3 dots in the upper right. A menu will display where you will see "Read aloud." Once you tap on it, the app will begin reading the book aloud to you, highlighting text as it reads.

You'll also see additional options displayed at the bottom of the page, allowing you to rewind, fast forward, play, pause and stop.​ You can also change the voice, pitch, and set a timer.

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You can change the reading speed in the lower left and change the Speech settings by clicking on the settings bar in the lower right.

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To add an annotation in an EPUB, you first need to highlight (long tap and select) some text within the book, then choose the 'Highlight' option. Then, you will see a small popup with options to change highlight color, add underlining, add a note, or remove the highlight. Click the icon for adding a note, and it'll bring up a text area where you can type in whatever note/annotation you want. The note is then automatically saved when you click away from the text area.



My Books contains all of the books and audiobooks you have downloaded within the app.

While PDFs are paginated by default since our Android version 1.3.0 update, if you prefer to scroll up and down through your PDFs, instead of turning left to right, you can always change this by clicking on the gear icon in the upper right, where you'll then see the "Scroll" settings, which can be toggled off.



You can use the filter on the top-right to further customize how you view and sort your books: 



Change the Reading Direction in a PDF

If you’re using an Android device you can change the reading direction of any PDF. For example, if you’re a Manga reader you can easily switch to right-to-left scrolling. 

To do so, while viewing the book in your NetGalley Shelf app, click on the gear icon in the upper right to view your settings and then select Direction to make changes. 



 How to Delete a Book or Audiobook

  1. From Home, Recently Read, or My Books, just tap and hold the cover image of the book you wish to delete. 
  2. Tap Delete from device

If you wish to redownload a book or audiobook that you deleted, just find it in the Your NetGalley Shelf section of the app and tap the Download button again. If the book no longer appears in Your NetGalley Shelf, then the book has likely been Archived by the publisher in NetGalley.


How to Renew a Book

Many publishers enable an expiring license for their books on NetGalley. You will see a number of days remaining on your license in a gray box at the bottom of the cover image thumbnail. Most licenses last for 55 days, and can be renewed at any time before the book is archived in NetGalley. 


To renew a book's license with the app: 

  1. From Home, Recently read, or My Books, just tap and hold the cover image of the book.
  2. Choose Renew from the menu that appears.
  3. The book's license will renew up to 55 days.


How to Submit Feedback and Reviews

Once you are done reading or listening to your book, make sure to return to the NetGalley website to submit your Review and Feedback. Open a browser window on your device or computer, and sign into your NetGalley account. Then locate the book on your Shelf (or by using the Search) and tap the Feedback button. 

Please note: If you delete the app from your device and then reinstall, any books or audiobooks that you have not yet downloaded, but have since been archived, will no longer appear on your device.


"Read aloud" Feature!

To use this text-to-speech feature, download any EPUB book to your device and after opening it, tap on the screen and then click on the 3 dots in the upper right. A menu will display where you will see "Read aloud." Once you tap on it, the app will begin reading the book aloud to you, highlighting text as it reads.

You'll also see additional options displayed at the bottom of the page, allowing you to rewind, fast forward, play, pause and stop.​ You can also change the voice, pitch, and set a timer.

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You can change the reading speed in the lower left and change the Speech settings by clicking on the gear in the lower right.  

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To add an annotation in an EPUB, you first need to highlight (long tap and select) some text within the book, then choose the 'Highlight' option. Then, you will see a small popup with options to change highlight color, add underlining, add a note, or remove the highlight. Click the icon for adding a note, and it'll bring up a text area where you can type in whatever note/annotation you want. Then you'll need to click the Save button (please note that you may need to hide your device keyboard in order to see that Save button).
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