What can I find in my Not Active section?

Not Active will show a historical snapshot of books you’re waiting on, books that were archived but not downloaded, and books you’ve been declined to download. Please note that each column can be sorted by clicking on the column title. 

Here’s a quick explanation of what you can find in each filter under Not Active:


  • Approved will display books you have been approved to download or that you have been invited to download via a widget, and books that you have downloaded.
  • Pending Requests.Books you have requested, and are waiting on the publisher to approve, as well as the link to Withdraw Your Request, which you can read more about here.
  • Declined Requests. Books you have requested, where the publisher has declined your request. Want to improve your chances for approval? Update your profile, or see what publishers want
  • Archived, Not Downloaded will display any books you've been approved for, but haven't downloaded, and have been archived by the publisher. (Click here for more information about archived books)
  • Will Not Give Feedback will display any books you indicated to the publisher that you will not be reviewing. Note: You can always come back to these to leave full feedback, and then the book will move to the Feedback Sent section of your Shelf. (Read more here)


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