How do I automatically download an .acsm file to Adobe Digital Editions?

An .acsm file is a Protected PDF and the program you’ll need to open and read the file is Adobe Digital Editions. Here is how to make sure the file opens correctly:

Once you have Adobe Digital Editions installed, it’s a good idea to make sure you select Adobe Digital Editions as the preferred program for these file types: .acsm and .epub.

Here’s how on a PC:

  1. For Windows 10: Go to the Start button -> Settings -> System -> Default apps. On the bottom-right, click on "Choose default apps by file type", then look for the file type and click on the app currently associated with it to change it.

For Windows Vista or 7: Go to the Start button, and type "Default Programs" into the search box and press Enter.

For Windows 8: Click the Search icon and type "Default Programs." (to find the Search icon, swipe from the right edge of your screen)

  1. Once the window opens, click on "Associate a file type or protocol with a specific program"
  2. Click the .acsm extension and then Change Program
  3. Select Adobe Digital Editions
  4. Go back to the book in your NetGalley account and click the Download button.

The two file types that need to be associated with Adobe Digital Editions are .acsm and .epub files. You also may need to restart your computer, then go to NetGalley and click on DOWNLOAD – when it says “open with” make sure that Adobe Digital Editions is the selected application in that window. If not, you should browse for it.

Here’s how on a MAC:

  1. Right-click the file you want to change the associations/default program for (the .acsm file you downloaded).
  2. Click “Get Info.”
  3. Click the drop-down for the “Open With” section.
  4. Select the program you want to be associated with this file type (Adobe Digital Editions), and this will be the default program. If you don’t see it in the list, select "other" and file the application in the applications folder.
  5. Click “Change All” so that all files with this extension/type will open with this program.
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